properti Switzerland

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DATA PROTECTION: We process your personal data in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act to handle your request. Further information about our handling of personal data, especially your rights as a data subject, can be found in our data protection declaration.

After registration, a review and a personal interview will take place. Only then will the legally binding registration occur.

FAQ's - The most important questions and answers

What is the properti academy?
The properti academy is properti’s internal brokerage school. The aim is to prepare employees for the federal examination to become a “Swiss certified real estate agent” by building up sound skills in the field of real estate brokerage. In addition, a collaborative learning approach promotes organizational learning. Learning content is defined both bottom-up and top-down and made available to the respective stakeholder groups. properti important to give the employees space for their personalities by creating a vessel in which they can develop and grow personally. For example, with workshops and training in the areas of resilience building, conflict management, sales psychology and leadership.
We’re one
How is the training organized?
Our training system consists of four assessments and is designed to provide participants with intensive training and development. All training content in the assessment classes is based on the requirements of the Swiss Professional Examination Commission for the Real Estate Industry (SFPKIW), so that our brokers (with sufficient practical experience/years of professional experience) can obtain the Swiss Federal Certificate of Competence in Real Estate. certificate as a real estate marketer.
The assessment training courses are structured as follows:
Assessment I = basic training (duration: 2 months)
Assessment II = further training (duration: 3 months)
Assessment III = consolidation (duration: 6 months, lessons every Thursday)
Assessment IV = Preparation for specialist certificate (duration: 9 months, lessons every Friday)
(total over 420 lessons)
Create wow
What costs will I incur?
A total cost contribution of CHF 1,390 is required for participation. Included
are the costs for access to the online learning platform, classroom teaching, training, examinations and teaching materials. Personal expenses are also to be borne by the customer.
Following Assessment 1, all training and further education is free of charge.
Think big
How much time do I have to invest during the internship?
The actual time required is very individual. Nevertheless, it should be assumed that up to 20 working hours are required for learning and working time in order to acquire the know-how and to serve and develop the market.
Move fast
Can exams be repeated?
Yes, we allow you to retake the exam by the exam date of the following class at the latest.
Fail forward
What kind of income can I expect?
Real estate agents are first and foremost entrepreneurs. This means that income depends on individual performance and the ability to position oneself on the market. Other factors such as expertise, experience, specialization and the current economic situation also influence sales strength. Finally, regional differences and the quality of service can also have a significant impact on income.
Nevertheless, properti’s own platform creates the ideal conditions for keeping the administrative workload as low as possible so that the company can focus entirely on brokering properties.
We work on a performance-related basis, but also offer a fixed salary during the internship. Interns and those real estate agents who decide to start a second career after the internship receive a fixed gross salary of CHF 500. After passing the internship
the possibility of transferring to full-time employment. Junior Consultants in their main job receive a fixed salary of CHF 3,200 and CHF 4,200 after promotion to Consultant.
Client is key
Where do the training courses take place?
Self-study: in the online learning room
Classroom teaching: Zurich HQ for the German-speaking Academees, in Moudon VD for the French-speaking Academees and online for our Italian-speaking Academees
Weekly Q&As: Online with the managers

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