properti Switzerland

properti zählt zu den Top 30 der am schnellsten wachsenden Startups in Zentral Europa

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properti is one of the top 30 fastest growing start-ups in Central Europe

properti zählt zu den Top 30 der am schnellsten wachsenden Startups in Zentral Europa

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Sifted backed by the Financial Times presents the Top 30 Central Europe Leaderboard, a ranking of the fastest growing startups in Central Europe based on revenue growth. properti is ranked 25th, further expanding its leading role in the PropTech sector.

This ranking underlines not only properti’s impressive growth rates, but also its ability to operate successfully in a dynamic and highly competitive market environment. The impressive result was made possible by a team of talented and dedicated experts with their hard work, innovation and tireless commitment.

The Sifted Leaderboard – The Sifted 30

The ranking of “The Sifted 30” assesses and classifies the fastest growing start-ups in Switzerland, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Liechtenstein according to sales growth.

To the ranking list:

Together, the 30 start-ups have raised EUR 850 million in funding in the last three financial years and generated sales of EUR 792 million. They employ more than 2500 people.

The startups fulfill the following criteria: Headquarters in Central Europe; Founded in 2014

Overview Sifted 30 Central Europe fastest-growing startups in 2024

properti The Leading Real Estate Tech Agent

properti is the leading real estate tech agent for all real estate transactions, with a comprehensive ecosystem. We combine highly trained experts with the latest technologies on an intelligent platform. This provides customers, brokers and service partners with risk-free, flexible and simplified services. properti has received several awards, including #1 PropTech, Top 100 Swiss and Top 100 Europe Startup.

properti pursues an open growth strategy and cooperates closely with partners to establish a successful ecosystem. The team is characterized by its “game changer” mentality, which makes it possible to realize properti’s vision.

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