Thanks to our proprietary database, we bring sellers and buyers, or landlords and tenants together in the shortest possible time.
To make the search as efficient as possible, you can first examine all our properties via 360° VR tour. If one of them appeals to you, it is important to ask the right questions during the inspection. That’s why we accompany you to your appointments and give you the support you need.
When it comes to contracts, at the latest, things get uncomfortable for many people. But don’t worry: We support you from A-Z, advise you on contractual issues and accompany you – in the event of a purchase – to the notary.
Thanks to our proprietary database, we bring sellers and buyers, or landlords and tenants together in the shortest possible time.
We operate throughout Switzerland – our real estate agents from the respective region bring specialist knowledge and the necessary local know-how.
Whether financing, renovation work, final cleaning or relocation – we offer buyers and tenants all the necessary services.