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Inheriting real estate in Switzerland: important tips for owners

properti blog - Vererben von Immobilien

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Inheriting a property is a sensitive issue that requires legal, tax and strategic considerations. Different cantonal rules apply in Switzerland, which can have a significant impact on the transfer process. Here you can find out the most important aspects for optimizing the inheritance process.

How does intestate succession work in Switzerland?

Swiss inheritance law defines the principles of succession as well as the rights of heirs and the distribution of the estate. Without a will or an inheritance contract, the estate is distributed according to the legal order of succession, which does not always correspond to personal wishes.

Graphic: Legal succession

Source: VermögensZentrum

What happens in modern family constellations?

Cohabiting partners or stepchildren are not entitled to inherit without an explicit will or inheritance contract. Individual estate planning is therefore particularly important in order to avoid conflicts.

Mandatory parts at a glance:

  • Spouse and descendants: Without a will, they are each entitled to 50% of the estate.
  • With a will: The compulsory portions can be reduced to up to 25 %, leaving the remaining 50 % freely available.

Mandatory portions in a will

Without a will, spouses and descendants are each entitled to 50% of the estate. With a will, these compulsory portions can each be reduced to up to 25%, with the remaining 50% being freely distributable.

What inheritance taxes are payable in Switzerland?

In Switzerland, the cantons regulate inheritance and gift taxes, so they differ considerably in some cases. In most cantons, spouses are exempt from these taxes, while direct descendants have to pay taxes in a few cantons.

Examples of cantonal differences:

  • Cantons with inheritance tax for direct descendants: Appenzell Innerrhoden, Neuchâtel, Vaud.
  • Cantons without inheritance tax for direct descendants: Schwyz, Obwalden, Lucerne, Zug.

Graphic: Cantonal inheritance tax comparison

Source: VermögensZentrum

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What strategies help with the property transfer?

Good planning of the handover can reduce tax burdens and make the transition easier. Legal and financial aspects are just as important as clear communication with the heirs.

Practical approaches for the handover:

  • Sale below market value: The property is transferred at a reduced price and the difference is taken into account later in the inheritance.
  • Gift or advance inheritance: A free transfer during your lifetime, which is often advantageous from a tax perspective.
  • Gift with right of residence: Transfer with lifelong right of residence or usufruct for the donor.

How do I avoid disputes when planning an inheritance?

Conflicts can be minimized through early and transparent communication with potential heirs. Clear agreements and the involvement of a notary help to avoid misunderstandings.

Useful tips:

  1. Plan in good time: Early planning offers maximum flexibility.
  2. Keep your will up to date: Changes in life circumstances require the documents to be adapted.
  3. Use advice: Tax experts and notaries offer valuable support.
  4. Create transparency: Discuss your plans openly with your heirs.

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Inheriting a property in Switzerland requires careful planning and sound knowledge of the legal and tax framework. Early action and professional advice not only ensure the smooth transfer of your property, but also the realization of your wishes.

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