properti Switzerland

Idyllische Wohngegend in der Schweiz mit ruhiger Lage, Nähe zur Natur und guter Anbindung an den öffentlichen Verkehr.

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Important location factors when buying real estate

Idyllische Wohngegend in der Schweiz mit ruhiger Lage, Nähe zur Natur und guter Anbindung an den öffentlichen Verkehr.

Table of contents

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A recent study has examined the main factors that are decisive for real estate buyers when choosing a location. The results show that there are three main factors that are particularly important: A quiet location, proximity to nature and good public transport links.

The three most important location factors when buying real estate

1. quiet location: the most important factor

For more than 60% of the buyers surveyed, a quiet location is the decisive factor when buying a property. An environment without noise and hustle and bustle contributes significantly to quality of life. Most people prefer a home in quiet residential areas, away from busy roads or noisy commercial areas.

2. proximity to nature: highly valued by many

Over 60% of buyers attach great importance to being close to nature. A place of residence that is close to parks, forests or lakes significantly increases the quality of life. Families and people who lead an active lifestyle particularly appreciate being able to spend their free time in nature.

3. good connection to public transportation

Good public transport connections are an important criterion for more than 50% of buyers. The ability to use public transport quickly and conveniently makes everyday life easier and is particularly important in urban areas. A well-developed public transport network ensures that workplaces, schools and leisure facilities are easily accessible.

When you think about the location of your dream property, what is particularly important to you?

Municipal tax rate: an important point for over 30 percent

In addition to traditional criteria such as location and transport links, the municipality’s tax rate is becoming increasingly important when deciding for or against a property. Over 30% of the buyers surveyed consider the tax rate to be a decisive factor in their purchase decision.

The tax rate has a direct influence on annual housing costs and can have a long-term financial impact. In municipalities with a low tax rate, owners benefit from lower tax contributions, which has a positive effect on disposable income. Especially in times of rising living costs, a low tax rate can be a strong argument for a property in a particular municipality.

The properti real estate price portal: The key to an informed purchase decision

properti’s real estate price portal is an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to make an informed decision when buying real estate. With comprehensive information and detailed analyses, it offers the opportunity to specifically check location factors and market data in order to find the ideal property.

The following valuable data is available in the real estate price portal:

  • Price per square meter: Up-to-date information on price trends in the desired region helps to identify areas with particularly high potential.
  • Building applications: Planned construction projects can influence the attractiveness and development of an area.
  • Days on the market: The average length of time properties remain on the market provides information about interest and demand in certain regions.
  • Vacancy rate: Vacancy rate data shows the relationship between supply and demand in various municipalities.
  • Population: Demographic trends provide insights into the social structure and long-term developments in the region.
  • Tax rate: The municipal tax rate is an important financial factor that should be included in the purchase decision.

Get an overview of your region

To the real estate price portal


When buying real estate in Switzerland, three factors are particularly important: a quiet location, proximity to nature and good public transport connections. These aspects have a significant influence on the quality of life and comfort of residents. In addition, the tax rate of the municipality plays an important role for a significant proportion of buyers, as it influences the annual housing costs. Precise market analyses and location information are essential for an informed purchase decision.

Data are without guarantee. The information on these Internet pages has been carefully researched. Nevertheless, no liability can be assumed for the accuracy of the information provided.

properti – we offer simple and understandable real estate expertise. Thanks to our many years of experience and focus on industry trends, we always have our finger on the pulse and can provide our clients with the most important information on real estate.

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