properti Switzerland


What potential does your property have?

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Demand for living space is rising continuously, while at the same time not enough new apartments are being built. In order to counteract the housing shortage, efforts are being made to increase the density of existing residential areas. The aim is to create more living space in the same area. In this context, the potential analysis for real estate is gaining in importance, whether for the sale or in order to be able to profit from the property in the long term.

Potential analysis for properties

The first step is to analyze the potential of a building. A potential analysis is being carried out to determine whether and how the building can be expanded or extended. Various factors are taken into account.

Year of construction and building structure: The year of construction and the building structure provide information about the static load-bearing capacity and the possibility of realizing additional floors or extensions. These technical details are crucial for assessing the feasibility of an extension or addition.

Plot area and utilization rate: The plot area and the utilization rate (AZ) play a central role in planning. They determine the extent to which the property may be built on and thus set the framework for possible extensions. Precise knowledge of the local building regulations is essential here and differs from canton to canton.

Calculation of the net area: The net area is an important factor in the planning and approval of a building project. It describes the total floor area of a building that can be used for residential purposes.

NF = gross floor area (BGF) – traffic area (VF)

Gross floor area (GFA) is the total floor area of a building, including the external walls. The ancillary areas include all areas that cannot be used for residential purposes, such as stairwells, balconies, elevators and cellar rooms.

Energy balance and economic efficiency: The energy balance of a building has a direct influence on its sustainability and running costs. The potential analysis evaluates possibilities for optimizing energy consumption, which in turn influences the cost-effectiveness of an expansion.

Valuation: Calculate the current value of the property

Yield: In the course of a potential analysis for investment properties, the income value of an apartment building, for example, is examined and whether the rental prices correspond to the market or are set too low in comparison. This study sets out which investments appear to be profitable and which rental prices would be appropriate after renovation work has been carried out.

The results of the potential analysis serve as a basis for investment decisions.

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Forms of property expansion

The expansion includes various approaches to utilizing the existing building stock and creating new living space. Please take into account the different regulations that apply in each canton.

Adding storeys to buildings is one way of generating additional living space. By adding storeys to residential buildings or commercial properties, additional floors can be added to provide new living space for different target groups.

Building extensions expand the existing living space and can thus meet the space requirements of a growing family. Extensions can be realized in the form of additional rooms, balconies or terraces and significantly improve the quality of living.

Convert single-family homes into apartment buildings with separate apartments to generate additional living space.

Graphic House Continue building

In the location checklist you will find valuable information on the expansion potential of a property.

To the checklist

Advantages of extending properties

In addition to the increase in value and the creation of living space, extending the property is more environmentally friendly than a new build. CO2 emissions are significantly reduced as the energy-intensive production of building materials and the transportation of building materials are eliminated. Expansions are often more cost-effective than building from scratch, as the construction costs and the costs for the building land are eliminated.


Extending a property can be an interesting investment and opens up a variety of possibilities for creating new living space and meeting the needs of the population. If the building structure and the utilization rate allow, additional space can be gained by adding storeys or extensions to buildings. This also conserves resources and can counteract the housing shortage, as more space is created in the same area. An analysis of potential provides owners with a basis for implementation options and planning.

All data are without guarantee. The information on these Internet pages has been carefully researched. Nevertheless, no liability can be assumed for the accuracy of the information provided.

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